Friday, February 17, 2012

Ramsurvey February Survey - Olympus Stylus 7030

Olympus Stylus 7030 Highlights:

7x Wide-Angle Zoom (28-196mm equivalent): A big zoom that fits right in your pocket. The 7x zoom lets you get incredibly close to your subject while the 28mm wide-angle lens lets you zoom back out for panoramas and group shots.

Shadow Adjustment Technology: Brings out the details hidden in shadows for sharper and more defined images, even in difficult lighting situations. Now you can capture scenes exactly as you see them.

Dual Image Stabilization: The 2-in-1 anti-blur solution. Sensor-Shift Image Stabilization, which keeps your shot steady by compensating for camera shake, combines with Digital Image Stabilization to capture crisp, clear images in any situation.

AF Tracking: Automatically tracks unpredictable, fast-moving subjects like kids and pets. Continuously adjusts the focus and brightness so you can easily capture a great shot of your subject in motion.

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Survey Q/A

1) What is the Zoom of Olympus Stylus 7030?
a) 5X
b) 7X
c) 3X

2) What is the night related USP of Olympus Stylus 7030?
a) Shadow Inherting Technology
b) Shadow GobblingTechnology
c) Shadow Adjustment Technology

3) What all are the features of Olympus Stylus 7030?
a) Dual Image Stabilization
b) Sensor-Shift Image Stabilization
c) All the above

4) Which is the motion related feature of Olympus Stylus 7030?
a) AF Tracking
b) Dual Image Stabilization
c) All of the above

5) What are our views on Olympus Stylus 7030? ( Optional. Use feedback box to write your thoughts)
a) Value for Money
b) Cant compete with Canon and Nikon
c) Haven't tried it

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